Duo Set in a gift box
Size: 10ml roll-on bottle
Size: 50ml Pump bottle - Gold Serum
Save on your purchase with the duo set. Normally $58.94
Replace your coffee with this great blend. Perfect for awakening and alertness. Designed to revive and stimulate mind and body. Use whenever you need an energy boost.
This blend is your go to coffee replacement that is uplifting and stimulating.
When feeling fatigued or needing a wake me up fix, this blend will do the job, with immediate results.. The blend is formulated to assist with increasing mental clarity, lifting brain fog.
The special ingredient of vetiver will support hormanal balance to restablise emotions and hormones.
It's a powerful natural stimulant and assists as a decongestant with the peppermint oil.
An alround perfect blend to have on your desk, when studying or on your work desk. And the roll-on perfect for your handbag or car.
Energy Blend Duo Set
Gold Serum Carrier Oil: Jojoba Carrier Oil
Organic Essential oils of: Vetiver, Black Spruce, Rosemary, Pepperment and Bergamot